St. Basil Catholic Elementary School
1-365 Blackburn Drive
Brantford, ON, N3T 0G
519-752-4111 | Zone: 4

Principal: Lucas Boluk
Secretary: Leanna Baldin
Jaclyn Mcgarr

Trustee:    Rick Petrella 
                    Bill Chopp

Bell Times
School Start : 9:00am
First Nutrition Break : 10:40am – 11:20am
Second Nutrition Break : 1:00pm – 1:40pm
School Dismissal : 3:20pm

More School Info

St. Basil Catholic Elementary School
1-365 Blackburn Drive
Brantford, ON, N3T 0G
519-752-4111 | Zone: 4

Lucas Boluk
Leanna Baldin
Jaclyn Mcgarr

Rick Petrella
Bill Chopp

Bell Times
School Start : 9:00 Am
First Nutrition Break :10:40am – 11:20am
Second Nutrition Break : 1:00pm – 1:40pm
School Dismissal : 3:20pm

Dress Code

As we strive to maintain a positive and safe learning environment for our students, I would like to remind you of our school’s dress code guidelines. Modesty and common sense are the main principles we follow, and we rely on your good judgment and support in helping your children choose appropriate attire for school.

The Brant Haldimand Norfolk Catholic District School Board (BHNCDSB) believes that proper dress for students contributes to a positive and safe Catholic learning environment, in line with our mission and values. The primary responsibility for ensuring that students meet the dress code expectations lies with parents and guardians.

To align with our Catholic teachings and beliefs, and to reflect principles of modesty, students’ attire should not include the following:

  • Short shorts or skirts, bare midriffs, halter tops, tank tops, etc.
  • Accessories such as spiked bracelets or necklaces, or any items not in keeping with the spirit of the dress code, as determined by the school.
  • Clothing with language or representations that indicate gang affiliation, depict violence, profanity, or discrimination of any kind, or demean any individual or group.

Thank you for your cooperation and support in maintaining a respectful and conducive learning environment for all our students.